Okay, this is your official warning. There is serious kinkiness in here folks; I won’t be responsible for any shock value. If you’re curious as to what EXACTLY I mean, there’s a description at the very bottom of the chapter. Go read it if you want to see if you’d like to read, or just be brave and forge ahead.

There’s really nothing that is absolutely integral to the plot in this chapter, except for the orphan kitten coming home to the manor, which is a ‘duh’ from the last chapter. That said, the muses really pulled out the stops in this one, so enjoy the ride!

Filthy Mind


With Ro and Dinah rescuing kittens, and Shan horsing around with Helena, there was little for me to do. It was slow enough that Dick and Davie were playing chess downstairs, on standby in case something went down. So I was left monitoring the dual conversations of my two teams as they went about their business. Ro’s sensual, droning purr was threatening to put me to sleep, or send me off to the bathroom to get rid of the growing ache between my legs. Dammit, it was like she and Helena had uncorked a lifetime of repressed need and I felt like an exposed nerve, raw and sensitive. I loved and hated it, not used to the out-of-control feelings. Dinah had already given into the urge to nap, I could hear the change in her breathing, but Ro was close by so I wasn’t worried. Helena and Shan had charmed the crowd at No Man’s Land for a few hours before wandering over the cityscape again. I had enjoyed listening to them doing it. Honestly, I wish I could have been there.

“Hey, what about that place?”

It wasn’t Shan’s question, or the faint sounds of the bike abruptly switching directions, but Helena’s reaction that dragged my attention from my research.

“It’s a sex shop, you nut.”

And I knew I was in for a long night.

“I know it is. Look at the size of the magazine section through the window, it’s like twenty-four hour porn on a stick.” Helena laughed and even I had to grin. “All they need is a drive-thru. I’d like to see a menu please.” The laughter was mutual now, the two of them cracking up in the New Gotham night. “I’m going in,” Shan announced and my monitors showed that the bike had shut off.

“Why?” Helena giggled.

“Because I have an idea that oughta put you and Babs into orbit.”

“What?” Helena sounded as startled and alarmed as I felt. Not to mention the thrill of guilty arousal at what my lover’s identical twin might have planned. There was a jangle of a doorbell and the sound of faint music.

“Hey, this place is classy,” Shan mused and the door jingled again.

“What are you after?”

“Know it when I see it,” was the enigmatic reply and I swallowed hard. Just mentioning the possibility of what those girls could find in that shop combined with my two lover’s wildness and imagination had me hot and bothered. So I stared at the rock wall and just listened.

“Hey, m’man,” Shan called out jovially and a light male voice answered in a friendly tone.

“Hi there. What a fabulous outfit! Where did you get that shirt? And that thick belt? Fabulous, darlin’!”

“Girl’s got to keep her toys handy,” Shan chuckled and I could visualize her stroking Slinky where it was wrapped around her waist. “I was hoping you could help me with a weird problem.”

“Fire away.”

“Okay, I have a couple toys that are too long for penetration and I need to block how far they can go in so my pets don’t get hurt.”

I really had no clue what she was talking about for a long moment, and then understanding started to dawn.

“What kind of toy?”

“A tail? Kidding. Seriously, something that would work on a boy too long for the rest of the pets, as well as any accessories.”

“A cockring would work.”

“Yep, but it needs to be pretty snug. And thick, to hinder depth of penetration, if the scene gets a little… enthusiastic.”

“Okay,” the salesman mused as my mind whirled.

Shan was talking about Binky…




Shan was talking about Binky! And my dirty, base lizard brain began to conjure up all kinds of images and sensations, heat flooding my body to pool in my groin. I had felt the strength and thickness of that tail, felt it curl around my body with the kind of precision I would normally associate with hands. Helena’s breath was taking on a ragged quality and I could clearly imagine the look on her face.

“Well, here. Take a look at these,” the salesman’s voice jerked my attention back to the drama unfolding at the other end of the multi-million dollar communication system.

“They look like toys!”

“I know, but put a couple of fingers in there and give them a tug.”

“Wow, they really stretch out. But…”

“I know, you said your boy gets enthusiastic. If you use these latex strips to wrap him up nice and snug, that should bulk him up enough to control how far he can get in. And, it’ll keep him harder longer.”

“Oh, there’s no problem with that.”

“You’re making me jealous, you know that, don’t you?”

Shan laughed in delight at the man’s petulant tone. “And these little spiky balls are for stimulation? Hey, Raf, come pick a couple of colors you like. They’re made out of that soft jelly material and should get you screaming, huh?” There was a pause as the man’s voice faded away. “Made you blush,” Shan mocked smugly and I could picture the arrogant, lecherous grin and was forced to smile despite my humiliation and boiling hormones.

“You’re enjoying this,” I managed to get out and was alarmed at how low and hoarse my tone was.

“So are you. You’ll enjoy it more later,” Shan smirked and I swallowed hard. “Ooooooo,” she suddenly breathed out in awe. “Look at that jacket. Oh, drool.”

“The pink one,” Helena suddenly spoke up in a strained tone I’d never heard before and the salesman chuckled.

“Playfulness is good. The blue one would look good with your coloring.”

“And the green too.”

“You got it.”

“Hey, what’s that metal ring?”

“The one with the ball in it? It’s a clit stimulator.”

Helena swallowed so hard that I could hear it quite clearly in the mike at her throat. I was assaulted by the memory of her tongue stud wreaking havoc with my libido. “Got it in about an inch and half?”

“Sure thing. Anything else tickle your fancy?”

Helena took note of rings made of soft rubbery materials with little nubbies or bumps or protrusions for stimulation and hard rings of acrylic and gold and steel. It was like a scene from a porno movie, except that I was a player. “A vibrator? You’re kidding?”

“Nope, here.”

The near growl of a very horny Helena Kyle made me actually whimper in desperation. “I… I need to go find my friend.”

“Sure thing, I’ll have these ready for you.”

Helena’s breathing was deep and fast, nearly matching my own. There was a smacking noise and Shan yelped, “hey!”

“I hope you’re satisfied,” Helena growled menacingly and Shan’s voice turned serious.

“Hel, I’m not kidding about this. We have one of the best sex toys ever blessed to humankind attached to our butts. Those straps and stuff will make sure that you or Babs can get some lovin’ without Ro having to think too hard, y’know? Let her loose? Just grab Binky and tie it off however long you want it and let her take you there. You’ll like the way the fur feels.”

Her tone was utterly matter-of-fact and the sheer kinkiness was threatening to make me implode. “How do you know that?” Helena grumbled petulantly, obviously tired of being teased.

“Duh. How the hell do you think we learned what we liked? Me and Boo have a lot less hang-ups about sex and nakedness, because we were never taught that it was taboo. We just didn’t care when were kids and hit puberty really early. Shit, we weren’t even ten years old when it hit and we escaped because adolescence triggered off our ‘porting.”

“Shit,” I suddenly gasped and whipped my head around. As if my night couldn’t get any more humiliating.

Gabby waved sheepishly at me from where she sat about fifteen feet away at the chemical set for the nanites. She was as flushed as I could quite clearly feel on my own skin.


“Shit,” Barbara swore quite clearly over the coms and Dinah and I both paused in silently petting and reassuring the frightened kitten. A few minutes she had groused at the other team in a strange tone that I hadn’t really been paying attention to. “I’m going to have to get used to you being here, Gabby. Okay troops, I’m calling it a night. It’s almost four anyway. Come home. Yes Shan, that means you too. Quit teasing.”

“What is she doing?” I asked suspiciously, wondering what kind of trouble my sister was causing. When Oracle didn’t answer, I worried. “That bad?”

“No… not really. Just come home.”

Okay, now I realized that there was indeed a strange note in her digital-clear voice. A low, breathless quality that I suddenly remembered all too clearly from the bed… and the bathroom. Her body squirming in ecstasy, her voice screaming out her pleasure, her contented moans with the same quality as her voice held now. Okay, it was definitely time to get home!

“C’mon Canary,” I growled, tucking the now calm kitten beneath my armored vest where he was safe. “Let’s get back to that bike and get home.”

Without Oracle directing me through the unfamiliar city and Dinah not accustomed to the layout at ground level, it actually took a fair amount of time to get home. As we tore up the dark road leading to the Batcave, Barbara greeted the other team tightly. “Welcome home.”

In moments, we jetted under the rising door and back down the tunnel to the nerve center of operations. Yanking off the helmet as Dinah climbed off the bike, I took in the weird look on Helena’s face. It was somewhere between desperation and fear, and she clutched a plain plastic bag with both hands to her chest. Something odd had happened, especially considering Shan’s smug and frustrated expression. So I went to my sister and had her in a headlock before she could do more than squawk in protest. “What are you up to now, Squeakers?” Shan only giggled and struggled gamely, trying to upset my balance enough to get out of the headlock. It had been a long time since we had felt safe enough to roughhouse freely and I missed it. Then my new friend wriggled uncomfortably against my ribs and yowled fiercely.

“Is that…?”

“Yep,” I chuckled and unzipped enough to let the little fluffball tumble out onto my hand. He was a tiny cat, and all matted dark fur and huge gold eyes and white teeth. “I think he’ll be gray with a bath.”

“He’s beautiful,” Shan purred gently and the baby paused at the sound. He stepped willingly enough to Shan’s gloved hands and I knew that he would be taken good care of. Affectionately, I nosed Shan’s hair. “We’ll rough house later,” I promised and she chuckled again.

“You won’t have the energy later. I’ll take good care of the boy here, g’nite.”

Dancing away, Shan went and head-butted Gabby first, and then much more affectionately with Dinah. They were adorable and I really hoped what was blooming between them was a love that would have few repercussions. They had both been through enough. Despite my grumbling stomach, I turned to my lovers, who watched me with hot, hooded gazes, their silence thick with the need radiating off of them both. What on earth had Shan been saying over the com?

Gesturing at the elevator, I caught Gabby’s gaze for a moment before she ducked away. She was as bothered as Barbara and having a tougher time hiding it.

“Squeakers seems a bit… riled. Not to mention Oracle and Oracle junior. You guys all good?” I had no clue how to answer Davie’s question and broadcast my confusion. “Ah well, go enjoy your women and I’ll go check up on the teens and chaos child. Did you really bring home a stray?”

“Yeah. Thanks Davie.”

“No problem. We’ll just sit around and moan that you got them both.”

Her telepathic chuckle earned the same from me as I followed Helena and Barbara into the elevator. I was startled by being grabbed before the door was even closed, Helena hot and desperate behind my teeth, her body pressing heavily into mine. Not that I was complaining, but her intensity was bruising and I purred for her gentleness. She whined back and pulled away to bury her face in my chest. Barbara looked like she wanted to do the same and I pulled off the armored gloves to reach across the small space to stroke her cheek. Like a cat in heat, she rubbed up against my fingers, her grip white-knuckled on the arms of her wheelchair.

“Shan told us about the tail,” Helena rasped into my vest and understanding dawned. “I’m feeling a little desperate and horny right about now.”

That was all I needed to hear and both brains kicked in to see what I could do for my lovers. Binky slithered around and Helena squeaked as I coiled the appendage around her pelvis, digging up deep into her crotch through the armored suit. Leaning over Barbara, I caught her eager mouth in a deep kiss and slid both arms around her to draw her to my body. Once she was tight to my chest, I shifted one hand to slide over her fine ass and between her legs. Nearly got my tongue bit for my trouble as I massaged the hot flesh hidden beneath her clothes. About that time the elevator reached the penthouse suite and the door slid open. Helena yanked imperiously at my body, nearly upsetting all three of us.

“Shan insisted that you have no embarrassment factor and I have all kinds of naughty things I wanna do to both of you,” Huntress growled and I gripped Barbara carefully and tried to ignore her teasing mouth on my ear and neck. “Move your hands lower.” In the shadows of the penthouse, Barbara gasped in concert to her shirt being torn noisily away. Growling aggressively, Helena managed to get the black bra off without damaging it.

We somehow made it to the big bedroom and I gently placed Barbara on the bed while Helena secured the door and turned on a reading lamp at the bedside. “Get naked,” she growled at me, her eyes nearly glowing with intensity. “I have a few things to take care of.”

Enjoying her aggressiveness, I flashed Barbara a wry look that was echoed and started doing as I’d been told. Thankfully, the bulky armor came off fairly quickly, the entire ensemble held together with heavy-grade zippers, including the boots. Once blissfully naked, I crouched over Barbara and kissed her while trailing teasing fingers over her naked torso. She was returning the teasing almost roughly, obviously even further up the path of arousal then I’d suspected. The sole reason I got my hand deep into her pussy first, was that I was taller and had better reach. Huffing in that almost distressed note, Barb writhed against my hands as I stroked into her within the snug confines of her pants. She was hot and bothered all right, as I slid easily into her and set up the rhythm that would bring about her climax.

“Wait a sec!” Helena called out and I froze, much to Barbara’s noisy disappointment. I half-rolled away so that we could both watch a very naked and rosy Helena stride out of the bathroom with a towel-full of stuff clenched in her hand. That intent look was incredibly sexy on her, making my heart race and Barbara’s breath catch again. “I want to try out that tail. Babs first if she wants, ‘cause the thought’s got us both crazy.”

“Hell yes,” Barbara giggled and ran her fingers through my hair.

“It’s been years since I’ve played like that, and it’s hard not to…”

“I know,” Helena interrupted and strode over to drop the towel next to me to reveal quite an impressive collection of sex toys. “Gimmie Binky.” The tail floated over until she could grip it, for I was quite curious to see what they had in mind. Grabbing a handful of what looked like nothing more than non-sticky electrical tape, Helena grabbed Binky in her fist, leaving about six inches wiggling free. “This good?”

“Yes,” Barbara whimpered and I realized that they were serious. Having an incredibly dexterous and sensitive prehensile tail had led to all kinds of carnal experiments in my younger years. Shan and I had figured out quite a few tricks over time and it looked like I was going to get to recycle all that knowledge. Helena began twining the stretchy black strips around Binky about where her fist had been. I concentrated to make it stay as still as possible, only the chronically twitchy tip vibrating with my internal tension. Soon there was a thick wad of the latex strips, because I recognized the smell, around my tail and the fur stuck up crazily around the edges. Helena went for the towel again and I brought Binky up between my legs and twined it tight around one hip and then the other, making a figure eight and leaving the remaining length sticking up like a hard-on.

Helena actually paused when she saw the teasing display. There was a little spiky ball that she slid down Binky until it stretched easily over the lump of latex ties. “You’re a tease, you know that, don’t you?”

“Me? You two are the ones suddenly bringing old kinks back to life.”

“Do you like penetration?” Barbara suddenly asked, tugging at my hair to get my attention.

“Sure, it feels good. Binky here works just as well on me as it will for you.”

Again she whimpered as Helena wrapped her other hand, cool and slick with what I assumed was lube and around my modified tail. It felt wonderful, all of my sensitive nerve endings singing along to the stroking fingers and the knowledge of where it would be in moments. So I kissed and stroked over Barbara’s body, caressing her beautiful breasts and exquisite musculature. She moaned and cried out, fingers twisting at the bedding as I tortured her. Helena was starting to do that same to me, by skritching and caressing over my body, paying special attention to the places where my skin was irritated by my working clothes. Soon I spread Barbara’s unresisting legs apart and cupping her lusty heat in my hand.

“You ready?”

“Please,” she whispered clearly and softly, holding my eyes as I maneuvered closer, reaching down to guide my tail to where I could pleasure her. Shifting my hips, I paused just at the entrance to her body, letting the flickering tip lick at her whole pussy. It earned exactly the reaction I wanted, the green eyes rolling back in Barbara’s head, her whole body torquing with pleasure.

“Oh, I like watching you like this,” I growled harshly, pressing the flicker inward, feeling her feverish heat close around me oh-so-slowly. Whining, crying, begging, Barbara egged me onward, inching further in until Helena’s careful preparation did exactly its job and prevented me from slipping any further into the hot body beneath me. Propping myself onto both elbows, pleasantly distracted by Helena’s increasing attentions to my own body, I held myself brushing against Barbara’s writhing body and let us both enjoy the sensations of my active tail deep inside her heat. It never stopped moving, unless I was truly unconscious, not merely sleeping, as the constant electrical signals from the little brain at my pelvis kept it active. Now Barbara was the recipient of all that energy, massaging her sensitive internal membranes and making her really scream for it. And when I started thrusting shallowly, she grew even noisier, much to my delight.

“Beg for it,” Helena snarled, pressing her body into mine to encourage my movements. When she slid a hand down to tangle her fingers among Binky’s coils and deep into my own ache, I was only too happy to oblige. Happily trapped between them, I brought my knees up a bit and started Barbara’s motor up for real. Rocking my hips at staggered, unpredictable angles, I made certain that the matted fur reached every internal spark that was reachable. The woman had a grip on her like a vice, threatening to scalp me as she began to quake and I ducked in to sink my teeth into her collarbone.

She was a screamer like a horror movie victim, the ear-splitting shriek making my sensitive ears protest as the earthquake of climax roared through her body. Not willing to let her come down quite yet, I reached down to massage her quivering clit, the little knobby ball caressing my fingers as I continued to rock shallowly into her clenching heat to see if I could coax another climax from her. “C’mon gorgeous,” I growled softly, circling my hips seductively and she whimpered, her pussy clinging tightly. “One more.” It took a few blissful minutes of tight, coordinated movements, my concentration in her pleasure absolute, before she whined in a high-pitched animalistic tone that made my lizard brain really sit up and take notice. It started deep inside, the quivers like birth contractions they were so intense. Barbara didn’t know what to do, her head tossing back and forth on the pillow, her sounds soft and desperate. It lasted a long time, the pulsing of her deep, deep pleasure almost as satisfying to me as to her.

Only then did she relax slowly into the bed, every ounce of tension easing from her strong body. Remaining pressed lightly to her, I kissed and nuzzled, smugly proud of the blissed-out look on her face. Glassy, smoky green eyes finally opened and focused half-heartedly on me. “You good for now?” Barbara nodded slowly and I reached out to grab the edge of the bedding and yank it over her as I rolled away. I used my momentum to turn Barbara onto her side so that she could watch and then followed through on the twist to attack Helena. She didn’t offer any resistance as I pinned her to the bed and felt her legs twine around me. There was no need for words as I slid home in her slick heat and swallowed her barking whine of pleasure. Getting my knees under our combined weight so that her ass was pressed up, I began a steady, relentless fucking that I knew she’d like.

Growling, Helena dug into my skin a little too hard and I felt the pain derail me for a moment. Pulling out and breaking her hold around my hips, I stood and hooked a hand under her ass to flip her imperiously onto her stomach, earning that agitated panther yowl and a flash of red eyes as she glowered over her shoulder. As pissy as the pussycat might act, she willingly got up on her knees and arched her back sexily. That intoxicating pink flash was irresistible and I was mean and gave her a long, rough lick that continued over her fine ass and up her spine. Pausing with my lips resting between sweaty shoulder blades, I let Binky feel around as Helena held perfectly still beneath me. She growled as the tail tip twitched urgently against every inch of her labia and perineum, even stroking her clit until I relented and felt for that supple, vulnerable hole. Surging roughly into her softness, I sank my teeth into Helena’s neck, gripping the tendons like a tomcat half-mad with the smell of a queen in heat with her tail in the air. Squalling and screeching like a tigress, Helena pushed back and I wrapped both arms around her waist and thrust firm and unrelenting into her. The flesh in my teeth grew tenser, her head hanging low between her stiff arms. I dug blunt-clawed toes into the mangled bedding for purchase and changed the angle of the sensitive piece of my anatomy enjoying her female heat. Fairly certain I could keep a grip on the shaking body beneath my greater mass, I snaked a hand down and slid two fingers between the hairy lips and straddled her tiny little erection. I stroked in time with Binky, knowing that the nubby toy was teasing her clit from behind as my fingers got her from above. Her caterwauling tightened up in sync with the grip of her muscles as the resistance to my thrusting grew. I snarled and released her neck only to bite down on the other side, close to the curve of shoulder. That was all it took, the climax smashing through her and I chose to keep riding her, even as her body began to slide mostly prone, lost in the feelings. I gentled the thrusting, letting Binky do its amazing internal massage and groomed the places where I’d bit her with a gentle tongue.

Mewing softly, Helena squirmed seductively, head back, back arched, scratching her nipples against the textured comforter, knees far apart to give me easy access. The lovemaking was more about comfort now, not the animalistic fucking of moments ago. Wrapped around her as much as I possibly could, I purred like a diesel engine and licked her silky skin. Chewing at her dark hair as though grooming her, I gentled my thrusting again, barely moving inside of her, really wanting to feel the awakening eruption. Like Barbara, it started deep within and built slowly like the preceding ripples of an earthquake. I stroked my hand over her tense abs and belly, ducked in between her legs to flick at her clit, and repeated the pattern, again and again. Helena groaned in relief as the ripples hit, grunting in time to the deep contractions and rubbing her face and chest into the fabric.


They really did sound like a wildlife documentary. The sheer animal sensuality of watching them like this was shattering. Helena so trustingly showing her back, vulnerable in the position, unable to defend herself from any attack. Ro lovingly gripping her, the narrow hips pistoning into Helena’s smaller body. As Helena’s climax receded, they relaxed and Binky stiffly uncoiled from its grip around Ro’s hips. Still sprawled atop Helena’s body, Ro picked wearily at the latex straps and I gathered my strength to help. It wasn’t easy, the strips were slick with lube of all kinds, but they eventually released and Ro sighed happily. I cuddled against them, burying my face into their dark and light hair. Both of them were still purring, their bodies as limp as my own, except for the irrepressible Binky, draped over my ribs and twitching against my upper spine. “Wow,” Helena sighed and Ro chuckle-purred. I could only hum in agreement. “It’s not like I haven’t had sex before… but wow.”

“You’re welcome,” Ro suddenly raised her head and yawned hugely, flashing the inch-long fangs top and bottom. The bites on Helena’s neck were purpling already, the faintest smear of blood mixing with the saliva and sweat on her skin. My lovers were so raw and uninhibited that any puritanical shock on my part seemed hypocritical.

“You’re certainly talented with that thing,” I murmured and Ro kissed my forehead gently. Turning my head, I caught her lips with my own, kissing her gently, but thoroughly. “You okay?”

“Peachy,” Ro murmured, but her eyes were still not relaxed, the nictitating membrane tight inside her outer lids, and her back arched needily into my touch. “Aren’t you tired?”

“Exhausted, but I want you. Now c’mere.” There was a half-hearted grumble of protest from Helena as Ro carefully moved off her and followed my gesture to climb further up the vast bed and lay back. “Put a pillow under your hips. I can’t promise anything wild, but I can ease your ache,” I teased lightly and she grumble-purred happily back. For a moment, I kissed Helena’s silky back, near where her body was bruising up so spectacularly.

“Dunno why we get so rough,” Helena murmured in what sounded like embarrassment and I wrapped one arm around her and squeezed.

“It’s sexy to watch, love, don’t think you need to justify anything to me. There are needs you have I’m not certain I could ever live up to, and I’m so glad you’re both here.”

Helena rolled onto her side to eye me with doubtful and vulnerable blue eyes. Nearby, Ro settled in and Binky stroked gently over our upper ribcages. Nuzzling at Helena’s beautiful face, I kissed softly over her features until I could drink deeply at her mouth. That perked her up and made her smile when I raised my head. “I love you,” she said with absolute certainty and I grinned happily. I wasn’t certain that she was ever going to flat-out say it, and was glad for the promise in those three words.

“I love you too,” I whispered and we kissed again for a long moment before Helena was animated again.

“Sweet. We’ll continue that conversation later, sexy. Right now, we’re teasing the bigger cat.”

“Don’t stop the bonding on my account,” Ro deadpanned wryly and chuckled as Helena crawled up to kiss her. That left me to explore her strong legs, where I was amazed to find that the white fuzz was even softer here, where both Helena and I would get rough and stubbly without shaving. Moving her left leg under the pressure from my hand, Ro gave me the space to shift my body carefully so that I was propped on my elbows between her shins. I began kissing and licking my way up her legs slowly, alternating back and forth while the cats grumbled and purred at one another above my head. By the time I reached the baby-soft inner thighs, Ro had one leg drawn up and was starting to twitch her hips urgently. So I licked teasingly at the silky crease where her thighs met her pelvis and heard the growl echo through her bones. Repeating the lick on the other side, Ro’s growl deepened into a snarl that made Helena chuckle.

“Whassa matter, big girl? Red bein’ mean?”

“Tease,” Ro complained and I knew she aimed it at both of us. That was my cue to bring my hands up to peel her wet sex open and continue the kissing and licking where she needed it the worst. Binky coiled around my waist in a hug while Helena straddled Ro’s waist. Hot and wet and musky, Ro was unique and yet really not significantly different than any other woman, except for the bulk of the tail under my chin. Wanting to give her relief after the fantastic loving from earlier, I grabbed her clit to suckle at and slid a couple of fingers deep inside so that her body had something to grip at. Ro was grunting and carrying on now, and Helena was goading her on. Ignoring the ripples of her climax, I gripped her quivering clit in my teeth and worried the little organ with my tongue while still keeping the suction nice and tight. Now Ro was howling and Helena purred along in harmony. Turning my hand over, I loosely curled my fingers up and massaged the clinging walls as best I could within the tight confines of her powerful pelvic muscles. It took a little exploring, but I felt the jolt in her body as I found a spot she liked. That did it and her hips jerked up once and froze for long moments while she hissed and cried out in pleasure. Happy with my accomplishment, I nuzzled her flushed sex as her body relaxed fully.

“Oh yeah,” Helena purred softly. “That was nice to watch. Feel better?”

“Have I mentioned recently how glad I am that I found you two?”

“It’s entirely mutual,” I yawned and rested my head on her abdominal muscles. “I don’t know what it is about you two, but you make me feel safe and accepted.”

Half-asleep now, I felt Helena wriggle around to press up against Ro’s leg and embrace me. Clawed fingers groomed gently through my long hair and the soothing echo of Ro’s distant purr pulled me further towards sleep. Soon enough, reality would take this from me and we would be forced to fight again. Until then, I would relish this.

To Be Continued…

Filthy Mind: the Peter Rauhofer Club Remix

By Amanda Ghost

Love is gone

My TV’s on

I’m hanging with the boys

A life with fools

This world is cruel

We never dispense with toys

Could you make a suggestion

For an act I would enjoy


I’m drowning

So come inside

Welcome to my filthy mind


My fingers are burnt

Forgot what I learnt

I’ll never be a satisfied

Become a recluse

Enjoy the abuse

It’s better to get just high

First off, make certain that you listen to a club remix. I like the original version of the song, but the remix is what makes this chapter raunchy and lusty. There’s a darkness to the lyrics, a desperation that I think applies to an extent to Barbara in particular. She has so many demons that they could destroy her. Thankfully, both Hel and Ro can handle it.

WARNING: Shan drags Hel to a sex shop and gives her ideas. Ro proves just how useful of an appendage Binky really can be. Still not specific enough? Sheesh… TAIL USED AS SEX TOY! Good enough?


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