Davie’s Bio
Sister Mary David, nee Davinia Periklastinos
42 years old, born 23 February 1965
A high-ranking nun in the Greek Orthodox Church, assigned to the convent at * fill in name of one of the main churches later *
Born to a poor girl who abandoned her as a baby on the steps of said church, Davie was raised by the nuns and was immersed in the doctrines and dogma of the GOC practically from birth. When her meta powers surfaced only a few months after she was left at the convent, Davie was sheltered from the Church Council by her Mother Superior
Something of a wild child, the nuns disciplined her, but didn’t try to break her innate free spirit. Instead, they encouraged her curiosity and desire for knowledge. She was allowed to read anything she wanted, and was allowed to watch television so that she had some sort of social knowledge when she eventually did leave the confines of the convent to take up her role in the world. Davie was always curious as to why things happened, and questioned her mentors and superiors rather constantly, if only to understand why the rules were as they were. Her desire to be a nun like the women that raised her, combined with her meta abilities, enabled her to take her vows as a novitiate earlier than most young women would, further cementing her servitude to and relationship with the GOC. That she already knew the rules and regulations of living in the convent only helped her rise through the ranks of the Church’s hierarchy at a young age. Other than some training at other convents/churches, Davie rarely wandered far from the convent she’d grown up in until, at 30 years old, she was given a special request to face the Council again.
This request led to a special dispensation of her vows in order to use her abilities in the fight for justice and peace around the world. She would work freely with the various superheroes and other metahumans in the battle of good vs. evil, and yet still maintain contact with the Church Council. Over the years, she has worked with the JLA on several occasions, and was instrumental in helping find many of the Joker’s top henchmen in the aftermath of his arrest. The only top henchman that Davie was unable to track down was Harley Quinn, and has become “the one that got away,” and Davie still searches to find her and bring her to justice. She worked closely with Batman in this endeavor, and knows of Barbara/Batgirl/Oracle, but never met her face to face. She has also gotten information from Oracle on several occasions, all filtered through the JLA people she was working with.
Davie met up with Rowan and Shan 3 years ago.
Powers: Full telepathic abilities. Has the ability to “rip a person’s personality out of his/her head”…. This also works on information said person may have but can’t or won’t give up. It also includes the ability to control the other person, like a puppet of sorts. Davie doesn’t like to do this, as it violates the person’s privacy, can completely obliterate their psyche if done improperly, and can even kill if necessary. The morals instilled in Davie by the nuns she grew up with make Davie seriously consider the consequences every time she does this. Davie has done this a few times in the past when necessary, and once killed a young woman by doing as the woman asked and going too far. The guilt from that once incident clearly hinders Davie’s ability to do this with any repetition.
Rowan and Killashandra Jones
Name: Rowan and Killashandra were named after favorite characters from Anne McCaffery books. After taking them on as students/sidekicks, Davie gave them the name Jones so that she could get them IDs. Something about a favorite song from a band named Aqua. The girls call Davie, Splinter and it cracks her up. Occasionally she’ll call Shan, Mickey and Ro, Leo after the Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles. They in return, call her Splinter.
Background: There was a madman once, obsessed with the secrets of how the Human machine ticked. Brilliant and driven, he sold his mental services and amassed a fortune in the 60s and 70s. With his fortune, Sevarius Smith bought a decent sized island in the Pacific Northwest somewhere in the chain of San Juan Islands between Washington State and British Columbia. There he continued his private research into Human genetics. While the world of science made huge leaps in understanding of that field, Sevarius was decades ahead. Human DNA was gathered in a variety of ways, some of them unsavory and all of them illegal. Animal DNA was collected from the wild as well as zoos, both public and private. Sevarius quickly discovered the genetic mutation that resulted in Metahumans and was thrilled. That strain of Humanity responded much better to his experiments, as it was already in the process of evolving. It was incredibly hard to come by though, and his pool of Metahuman DNA was painfully limited. But, like any proper mad scientist, Sevarius persisted. By carefully combining the Metahuman DNA with selected animal DNA, he became a proper doctor Moreou. No one really knows how many Buglures and experiments that were almost what he was after lived and died in the island compound. Few of the tank-raised babies ever drew breath, destroyed while still fetuses. Others were allowed to develop to a certain extent, but usually killed after fulfilling their purpose. Some were allowed to grow into adulthood and remain on the island to this day. Most are more than a bit insane, but handle their mixed genetic heritage Bugrly well. In the late winter of 1986, after more than ten years of experimentation, Sevarius’ masterpiece was ever so carefully constructed. Only two things were a surprise to him; the unusual coloring and the fact that the precious egg split… into identical twins. The girls were lab animals and there was very little in their childhood to contradict that. Thankfully, they had one another and that allowed them to become social people, able to interact with others. There were various kind guards, doctors and keepers over the years, but for the most part they were merely the physical expression of Smith’s genetic brilliance. This left the twins with an understandable near-phobia of doctors and labs as well as being treated like things, instead of people. Puberty hit early for the girls at ten years old and they discovered their innate Meta powers. They managed to escape the compound and teleport to another island nearby. By hopping from island to island, the sisters made it to the mainland and vanished into the forest. In the arctic rainforests of northern Washington, the twins went feral to survive. After a few seasons, they came across a small town and started hanging around, desperate for companionship. There was a little school there as well as a surprisingly thorough library. That’s were they learned to break and enter so that they could use the computers and read the books. That was also how Janelle Carter discovered them. She was the young schoolteacher, new to South Fork and fresh from college in Oregon. She stumbled onto the girls one night when she stayed late at school and they nearly scared her to death. Thankfully, Janelle realized that the near-violence of their reactions were that of frightened children and she treated them accordingly. It was Shan that befriended her first, as the eleven-year-old was desperate for Human contact. Ro quickly came around and they became an odd little family. The girls fondly nicknamed Janelle ‘Miss Honey’ after the beloved character in the book Matilda. For almost five years the twins lived in Janelle’s ratty old barn and built a little empire in secrecy. They learned how the stock market worked and amassed small fortunes to install computers and electricity and turn the barn into a home. It was an idyll that wouldn’t last, as some of Smith’s people finally traced the rumors of the ‘white devils’ to South Fork. Thankfully, Davie got wind of the rumors first. It wasn’t easy to get Janelle to leave her beloved little town, but she finally agreed to move to upstate New York where the Justice League can keep an eye on her. The twins agreed to go with Davie and learn more about the world around them. As much as they miss their Miss Honey, they don’t regret their decision.
Powers: The girls can teleport. While an amazing power, it is monstrously draining to their physical resources. Even moving just their own mass leaves them shaky. Double their mass and half again is their upper limit and usually knocks them out for a day or so. Considering that both sisters wear around a hundred pounds of gear at all times, they rarely use their powers. They can only teleport to a place they’ve seen before, a picture isn’t good enough. That’s one of the reasons having a telepath around is handy. Davie can share a memory of a place she’s been and they can ‘port there. There is no limit on distance and the ‘port feels instantaneous. Passengers report being very disoriented and cold, with an odd sensation like being turned inside out. Even Davie isn’t quite used to it, and she’s been teleported by them more than anyone else. Davie also discovered that she can ‘bleed off’ some of their teleport jag through her telepathy. This ability has saved the girl’s butts on numerous occasions. Taking on their exhaustion as her own leaves Davie wiped, but she only does it to help them out. The twin’s second power is far subtler for the most part. They always know where they are… kind of. It’s a spatial awareness that allows them to be in any place where their senses are limited and be able to just know where things are. For instance, in a black room they could sense objects, their location and size, but no details. Shan dubbed it ‘mental sonar’. This is an invaluable trait both for teleportation and combat. It is extremely hard to sneak up on either Rowan or Shan. Mental fatigue reduces the effectiveness of the sonar.
** Author’s note ** The twins still have the mental sonar, I guess they just haven’t really identified it yet, and given it a name and parameters. This goes with my belief that certain comic book superhero powers have to go hand in hand with others, example: a guy who can run insanely fast. Did you know that terminal velocity for an unprotected human is less than 200 miles per hour? First time Speedy cranks it up, he dies. Get it? Speed goes with friction dampeners, with strength comes a certain amount of invulnerability (so they don’t hurt themselves) and teleporting coming with special awareness, so that they don’t end up in a wall, or another person, or something equally gross.
Physical description: As adults, the twins stand just over six feet and are built like svelte woman athletes. The looks and build are a bit androgynous, small-breasted and with facial features that can be mistaken for very pretty young men. If it weren’t for the white fur and the tails, they would be classic beauties. There is a combination of wild canine and feline DNA as well as the great ape DNA we all carry brought forward in their genes. Their ears are slightly cupped, the tops arching up into points. Both twins are albino, and are covered in various thicknesses of bunny-fine fur. Oddly, there are no guard hairs, so they remain very, very soft. The hair on their heads is so fine, in fact, that it breaks off after only growing out a couple of inches, giving them a wild and tousled appearance. There is a slight hint of pale violet in their irises instead of the traditional pink. The pupils are round, in the manner of both Humans and most predators. The body fur grows thicker on the spine, jugulars, hip joints and the lower torso, points of heat loss and to protect joints and internal organs. Their fingernails are thicker and harder than normal, making them somewhat pseudo claws.
**Author’s note** The actresses ‘cast’ for these two are: Ro= Tracy Needham (I have such a thing for her!) and Shan= Amanda Tapping. I always thought that these two could play sisters, their looks are close enough. Heck, for all I remember, the twin concept came from the actresses!
Tails: The most striking thing about the twins is their tails. Some five feet long and fully prehensile, the extra limb is capable of picking up a full wine glass or hitting hard enough to crack bone. Nearly three and half inches thick where it anchors into the body and an inch and a half at the tip, it is heavily furred like a longhaired cat to prevent excessive heat loss. There is a genetically manufactured ‘second brain’ located at the base of the spine to assist the twins control the tail. The size of either sister’s clenched fist, the small brain does the bulk of the work for the extra limb. Which literally gives the tail a mind of it’s own. The tail wanders around lazily until it touches something, and then will wander over the object until the two brains figure out what it is. This has caused some embarrassment over the years for the twins, but their companions quickly get used to it. The sub-brain also enhances the twin’s reflexes to a nearly unbelievable degree. The entire lower half of their bodies are assisted by the sub-brain, which clears up brain power to be used by the upper body as well as for higher thought. Shan has long since dubbed it the navel brain, not only because it’s the size of an orange, but because of its location.
Individual characteristics: Rowan is generally the more serious of the girls. She is intense, clever and driven to succeed. At 21 she’s already earned a micro-engineering masters degree and is on her way to a second in physics. Shan is endlessly fascinated by Humanity and feels the forced separation the most keenly. She is also an impeccable judge of character because of it. (Author’s note: Think Art and Zo, in that order.) Ro fights more with her ‘head’ and Shan with her ‘gut’. Both are very smart and surprisingly fun loving. They are desperate to belong to a family and adore Davie, who is a great balance to their personalities and fills a variety of roles for them; teacher, partner, and big sister/mother figure.
** Author notes ** The implants was one of the biggest changes from the original idea, I figured it was just too much annoying detail and dropped it.
Implants: There are several implants in each twin. They were for various reasons, but are now the means by which Smith’s people track them. A few have been removed or have ceased functioning, including a tracking device that was in the middle of the lowest rib on the right side. Put there as tiny infants, the tracker had long been grown over with bone. So that small section of rib was sawed out and replaced with a plug of plastic. There is another similar one in their skulls, near the spinal column on the outside. But the strangest one is deep in the body cavity. About the size of a regulation baseball, there is an implant in both sisters; it’s anchored into the cradle of the pelvis. A simple sphere, the implant monitors both records many things about the body as well as being a short-range transmitter. The twins call it the baseball because of its shape and size.
Doctor Julia Blackwell, AKA Doctor B. She is the woman scientist that was a fixture in the twin’s life for their entire childhoods. Cold, calculating and brilliant, she was Sevarius’ right hand and most promising scientist. As Smith didn’t want his experiments contaminated, no males were allowed near the girl children and no women around the boys. That included himself, so Doctor B was in charge of Ro and Shan. When they escaped, she made it a personal quest to find them. B is never far from the twins, able to painstakingly track them through various implants in their bodies. She sells of her smarts when she can to help fund Smith’s project and her quest to find the twins. B gets wind that Harley will pay handsomely for her freedom. With her squad of less-than-perfect Mutates at her bidding, B does just that. The personal vendetta war is on full swing. In Harley’s escape, several other baddies are freed, including the Clay boys. Now Davie and the Enigmas must stay and help the Birds.
Name: Experiment # 26
Nickname: Bug. Menolly.
Age: 19
Animals: black panther/fox/chimp
Height: 5'3"
Weight: 133
Hair: black
Eyes: golden
Family: Shan, Ro, and Tiny
One of the few experiments to duplicate the twins to have survived and the only one that didn't go completely insane. (until Tiny).
Kept in a cage near the twins; they considered her a little sister. She would sneak out of her cage at night (she figured out how to jimmy the lock at less than 2 yrs old) to be near them.
Mildly autistic, and a mechanical/electrical savant. She can fix/build damn near anything she gets her hands on. If her autism had been treated, no one would notice. Painfully shy and agoraphobic. After the twins escaped, Dr B. made sure that Bug would be afraid of the outside so she wouldn't try to escape.
Scene idea: Dr B complains about a broken piece of equipment and leaves it in the lab. At night Bug (2 1/2 yrs) gets out and fixes it. Dr B catches her in the morning out of her cage, holding the tools. Dr B doesn't know she fixed it yet. Dr B flips and punishes Bug, something like a shocking stick or taser (kept in the lab in case the experiments escape). Because she got out of her cage, Bug is taken to a different room; the twins don't know where she was taken to so they have to leave without her. She thinks that they were taken away from her because she was bad.
When Dr B went back to the main lab she checked things out and discovered that the broken piece of equipment was now fixed and that led her to discovering that Bug could fix things.
Although Dr B uses Bug as a lab assistant, she treats her like an animal.
Example: Like an animal, she trained Bug to eat only out of her bowl.
Scene idea: At the manor, everyone is eating dinner and Bug is not eating they can't figure out why, Bug is whimpering cause she thinks it's a test, till Tiny says something about it not being able to eat unless it was in her bowl.
Bug remembers when Dr B caught Miss Honey, Bug was drawn to her cause she smelled the twins on her. When Dr B started messing with Miss Honey, Bug tried to interfere and Dr B punished her (probably w/ isolation and nothing to do) although she is afraid, she still feels the need to be near people, even if her only choice is Dr B.
Scene idea: During the final fight, Hel beats Tiny; he wakes up when Carolyn kills Dr B. Hel thinks that he is going to attack her, only he bypasses her and goes to Bug he hears her whimpering/humming. Shan recognizes the tune that Bug is humming, it's one that they (the twins) made up to comfort Menolly when they where children. When he meets Barb and sees how she is in charge, he feels better cause now he thinks he has a new alpha.
Tiny is 17, human-Rotweiler hybrid. Is loyal to Dr B because she is the alpha. Loves Menolly. Was only a year old when the twins escaped so he doesn't know them and they don't know him. Menolly cares for him like a little brother, but is afraid that he will be taken away from her like the twins were. He was castrated at the earliest convenience to ensure his docility.