Title: Coffee on Me (1/1)
Author: zennie
Rating: PG
Disclaimer: I own nothing except for a kickass mountain bike. These characters look nothing like my mountain bike, so no, I don't own them.
Summary: A little in/post-episode short for "What's eating Gilbert Grissom."
AN: A lot of people thought that Catherine was being mean to Sara when she kicked her off the microscope, but I had an entirely different read on that interaction.


Sara was working on the microscope, running several samples from a routine burglary, humming to herself slightly. Out of the corner of her eye, she saw Catherine heading straight toward the lab, her heels clicking loudly in her haste.

Stopping beside the brunette, she didn't even wait for Sara to look up before she launched into her demand, "Uh, sorry, Sara. I need the microscope." Catherine held up her sample. "Priority."

Nonplussed, Sara stared down into the scope and informed Catherine, "I got three more samples to run. When I'm finished, it'll be your turn."

"This can't wait."

Sara glanced up then, at the impatient blonde standing beside her. "It can't? Or you can't?" she questioned, keeping the note of exasperation from her voice.

"Both. Go have a cup of coffee on me."

Sara refrained from rolling her eyes at the blonde, and instead settled for a parting shot as she rounded the chair, pulling off her gloves. "The coffee's free."

Catherine sank down into the chair Sara had just vacated, tossing a "Thank you" into the air as she put her sample under the scope.


Sara's doorbell rang, pulling Sara's attention from the documentary she was watching on the Discovery channel. She frowned when she saw who was standing outside her door, but she swung the door open anyway. "Catherine?"

"Hi, ah, I, um, wanted to apologize for being rude yesterday, you know, about the microscope…?"

Sara crossed her arms and leaned against the doorframe, watching Catherine. "Yeah?"

"Yeah. And I brought this." Catherine held up a container.

Sara read the label. "Coffee ice cream?"

"Well, I did promise coffee on me…"

The smile Sara had been trying to hide stretched into an appraising smirk and she cocked her eyebrow suggestively as she ran her eyes over the blonde's lithe, lean body. Holding open the door, she ushered Catherine in.