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Law & Order: SVU Stories
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- 10 Drabbles by Kristina K .. 10 drabbles. 1000 words. 5 pairings. 3 shows. Alex/Olivia, Sara/Sofia, Sara/Wendy, Olivia/Casey, Natalia/Calleigh SVU/CSI/Miami R
ADA Jinx by Shatterpath & Amyray .. This was a pointless laugh fest. A little ditty for the punchline near the end. O/other PG
- Bath Time by Cj .. Alex, Olivia, and a bath. What could be a better remedy for a bad day? Alex/Olivia NC17
- Breaking into Pieces by Kristina K .. Olivia has her own set of rules. Olivia/Abbie M
- Cliffhanger by Dragynflies and SlCadet .. Olivia grinned, stepping back as she crossed her arms under her chest. She tipped her head to the side, admiring her handiwork. Alex/Olivia TV-MA
- Custos by imaginus75 .. Alex learns the history behind a tattered old teddy bear. [Alex/Olivia] PG13
Denial by A. Magiluna Stormwriter .. Olivia's thoughts. Drabble. O/A PG13
- Divine by Kristina K .. She had no idea how beautiful New York is in the fall. Sofia/Olivia CSI/Law & Order: SVU crossover R
- Drive by Lil .. Spoilers: Post-"Loss." [Alex/Olivia] G
- Etched by Imaginus75 .. Alex discovers something about Olivia. Alex/Olivia PG13
- Exploration by aolurker .. Never had Alex asked her to strip for show and not, instead, been an active participant. Alex/Olivia NC17
- Fallacy by Adrienne & Miranda .. [Alex/Olivia]
- Foreshadowing by Debbie .. Drabble based on the prompt need. Alex/Olivia PG
- Four Seasons by ncruuk .. The progression of the seasons, as perceived by Alex. Alex/Olivia PG13
Friendly Drunk by Shatterpath .. The company Christmas party gets a little out of hand... [A/O] PG
- Future Dance by Debbie .. Olivia gets a Christmas surprise. [Alex/Olivia] PG
- Ghost - the missing scene by raginhoops .. Possible missing scene from the episode "Ghost." Alex/Olivia PG13
- Heat Wave by Ann .. Olivia stepped into the apartment and frowned; the room’s temperature was only slightly cooler than the scorching heat she’d just escaped. Alex/Olivia PG13
- A Halloween Carol by Ann .. The ghost of butchness past comes to visit. Alex/Olivia PG13
- Loaded by Amy Jo .. Alex feels the weight of losing a case. [Alex/Olivia] PG
Loss by A. Magiluna Stormwriter .. Alex's thoughts in the aftermath of “Loss.” Drabble. Spoilers for "Loss." O/A PG13
Lost and Found by Shatterpath .. First the car goes up in flames, then they do. A/O NC17
Maybe One Day... by A. Magiluna Stormwriter .. Olivia learns how Alex kept her sanity while in Witness Protection. Spoilers: “Loss” and “Ghost” A/O PG13
- Midnight Run by Stone Angel .. During a team-building weekend away with the squad, Olivia goes for a run and ends up discovering a different side to Alexandra Cabot. Alex/Olivia PG13-ish
Morning by Shatterpath .. Alex's thoughts as morning approaches. Alex/Olivia R
- Musings of a District Attorney by femvamp .. Arthur Branch muses on the various ADAs he's worked with. Spoilers: Takes place after Loss but before Ghost. Branch, Alex, Serena, Casey, Tracey PG13
- The Name of the Game by Adrienne & Miranda .. [Alex/Olivia]
- Not Alex by femvamp .. Casey muses on the very real fact that she's not Alex. Casey PG13
- Not So Soft by tremblingmoon .. Like the syntax of affection, of safety, of comfort was something she hadn’t struggled for two years to forget. Timeline/Spoilers: Post-“Loss,” Post-“Ghost,” Pre-Conviction Alex/Olivia PG
- Objects in the Mirror by cjb .. "Olivia is real. Not a phase or a fashion." Olivia/Alex Spoilers: Season 3 episode, "Guilt" R
- One Thing by Sorceress Queen .. Elliot ponders the change of events his life has taken since he became involved with George. Stabler/Huang PG13
- Reminiscence by Kristina K .. “You remind me of someone I used to know.” Sofia/Olivia CSI/Law & Order: SVU crossover Mature
- The Return of Alex Cabot by Ann .. Finally released from the Witness Protection Program, Alex reunites with Olivia. Alex/Olivia R
Reunion by Shatterpath .. It was the longest night of the year, when our ancestors would worship the coming of distant spring, so the seasons would turn again. And two souls were ready to begin anew. [Alex/Olivia] PG13
- Rumors by Athena .. This story is in answer to a challenge by Femvamp. What if someone from another show had known Alex and Olivia? Said person learns about Alex “departure” [see spoiler warning] and starts to remember certain rumors about the detective and the ADA. Alex/Olivia PG
- Runaway by Kristina K .. Olivia deserves better. Sofia/Olivia CSI/Law & Order: SVU crossover PG13
- Satin Sheets by Ann .. I closed my eyes and felt the cool . . . Alex/Olivia NC17
- Seasons of Change by Ann .. Olivia tries to work out where her butch has gone. Alex/Olivia PG13
- Shadows and ghosts by racethewind10 .. After Sara’s death, Sofia takes a job at the one-six in New York and meets Olivia. What happens when two women haunted by shadows of the past find each other? Olivia Benson, Sofia Curtis, implied Sara/Sofia and Olivia/Alex Spoilers/Warnings: Implied character death: Sara didn’t make it through “Dead Doll” NC-17 (angst and smut)
- Snowed In by Ann .. Not even being snowed in will keep Alex and Olivia apart. Alex/Olivia PG13
- Strangers by JorjaRain .. Sometimes in exploring paths not taken we discover our true self Sara/Sofia, Sara/Olivia CSI/Law & Order: SVU crossover R
- Twas the Night Before Christmas... by ncruuk .. Twas the night before Christmas..... [Alex/Olivia] PG13
- Vineyard Lights by Athena .. Alex invites Olivia to spend a long weekend with her on Martha’s Vineyard. Alex/Olivia R
- Waiting by Sorceress Queen .. Olivia finally understands the changes that she's witnessed in Elliot...and chooses to keep his secret. Stabler/Huang PG13
- Weekly Arrangement by Kristina K .. An unprecedented meeting at the ADA's office. Olivia/Abbie Naughty
- When Whoever's In New England by Preygurl .. A/U. Is Alex where she wants to be? These things and more happen, not neccessarily in this order: Alex comes back to life after Liam Connors is sent to jail. She reflects on her past, which includes her early years in Boston, and how she and Olivia got to this point in their relationship. Olivia reflects on how she and Alex got to this point in their relationship. Crossover Crossing Jordan. Alex/Olivia, Alex/Jordan PG13
Winter Solstice by Shatterpath .. A melancholy reminisce. [Alex/Olivia] PG13
You Are The New Day by A. Magiluna Stormwriter .. It takes a major turn of events for Alex to realize where her future lies. Note: This is part of the Light, Water, Muses universe. Spoilers: AU of the 3rd season episode "Guilt" & its aftermath. Alex/Olivia PG13
- You Missed A Spot by Maroukian9 .. Alex and Abbie enjoy a rare breakfast together. Crossover Law & Order. Alex/Abbie PG13