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NCIS Stories
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- 100 Abby/Ziva Drabbles by jaina47 .. Based on the fanfic100 table of prompts. Abby/Ziva G to R so far
- as the bluebird sings by Hope .. Kate would understand this. Abby, with a side of McGee PG
- All She Has Left by Ashleigh Anpilova .. Ziva has only one physical reminder of Ari. Ziva Spoilers: Kill Ari iva has only one physical reminder of Ari. PG
- Anthem by rinkle .. What Ziva misses about Israel. Ziva Spoilers: General for up to part way through season 3 PG
- A Big Jumble by demoka .. It's tough being in a threesome... Ziva/Kate/Abby NC17
- Blueberry Muffins by snowpuppies .. Ziva wakes up the morning after "fighting lessons". Ziva/Courtney Spoilers for Identity Crisis. R
- Burn Words by leda_speaks .. "This woman," he said, "she can make you forget." Ziva/Kate Rish
- Butterfly by valamagic .. Abby's reaction to Kate's death. Abigail Scuito/Caitlin Todd
- Collections by imaginer8614 .. Ziva never had a collection. Ziva G
- Come Again by jelly_belly99 .. In the half dark of the lab, with Ziva’s NCIS jacket and hat, Abby sees someone else. Abby/Ziva, Abby/Kate NC17
- Creature of the Night by Cassán .. Ziva is sent to go watch over Abs… Abby/Ziva Warnings: Questionable consent, kink Spoilers: set post 3.21 Bloodbath R
- Curiouser and Curiouser by monica_doggett .. What happens when Ziva & McGee are asked to investigate shipping containers? Oh, yes, nothing but trouble. McGee/Ziva Spoilers "Boxed In" R
Damn the Consequences by A. Magiluna Stormwriter .. Even if nothing more than friendship ever comes of this, Ziva needs to take this chance. Abby/Ziva Spoilers: Direct spoilers for "Dead Man Walking" [ep 4.16] & "Skeletons" [ep 4.17], with vague references to "Once A Hero" [ep 4.08] & "Smoked" [ep 4.10] PG13
- dance me in by Hope .. She has never been that person, never had the ability to fit her body between beats and breaths, to move with the rhythm of another person's heart. Abby/Ziva
- Dinner Invitations by CJ aka WritinginCT .. Five times Gibbs asked Ziva out to dinner, and the one time he didn't (AU segments) Gibbs/Ziva Spoilers: Recoil FR13
Experiment by A. Magiluna Stormwriter .. Abby's testing a theory. Abby/Ziva PG13
- Fighting Acrophobia by Cassán .. Ziva and Abby decide to help Tim with his fear of heights. Abby/McGee/Ziva Spoilers: Lightly for 3.17, 3.23 & 5.05 Warnings: Kink (bondage) R to NC17
- First Meeting I & II by barbossas_wench .. She looked up to the speaker's face, at a loss for words. Jenny/Ziva PG-13/R-ish
- Five times McGee (sort of) catches Tony and Gibbs having sex, but he never tells them about it by raven_lore .. The title says it all. Gibbs/DiNozzo NC17
Five Four Times Probie Almost Died by queen_of_coffee .. He hadn't meant to see them, really. Abby/Ziva PG13ish
- Girly problems by Cassán .. Just a bit of girly talk… Abby/Ziva Spoilers: Light references to 3.03 MindGames, 3.12 Boxed In and 3.17 Ravenous PG13
- Going Down by madfoxzz .. Abby, Ziva, and a broken down elevator. Abby/Ziva Ma - NC17
- A Good and Sweet Year by Hope .. Abby has a feeling happy and surprised might be the theme of the day. Abby/Ziva PG13
- Growing Old by imaginer8614 .. Ziva had always figured she would just die young. Ziva G
- How to Take a Joke by monica_doggett .. Gee, thanks. It's nice to know I'm so highly regarded among my colleagues. Gen, but leanings toward Ziva/McGee G
- I'm Glad You're Not Dead by Cassán .. Ziva and Abs have a talk… Abby/Ziva Warnings: light d/s Spoilers: Depends. You can read it as tagged to either (3.21) Bloodbath or (4.20) Cover Story –I wrote it as tagged to Cover Story, but it’s up to you-, there’s a small reference to (3..18) Iced and the title is stolen from (3.12) Boxed in. R
- A Letter by barbossas_wench .. Jenny/Ziva Sequel to: First Meeting I & II, Nights, & Undercover Rish
- Lipstick Lesbian by monica_doggett .. Ziva imagines a certain forensic scientist pleasuring her. Abby/Ziva NC17
- Losing Yourself in the Chaos by serenitymeimei .. What happened after Ziva left Michael at the bar? A tag to “Recoil”. Ziva/Gibbs, mention of Ziva/Tony PG
- Mark of an Assassin by monica_doggett .. She was a professional. Gen, Ziva-centric G
- Mysteries of a Heart by monica_doggett .. she does not understand how to handle her heart Ziva PG
- Nights by barbossas_wench .. The nights were the worst for the both of them. Jenny/Ziva Sequel to: First Meeting I & II PG13ish
- Not at the Moment by thiscanbegin .. Ziva and Abby's daughter brings her first boyfriend to NCIS to meet the family. Abby/Ziva PG
One Small Step by A. Magiluna Stormwriter .. Each step is precisely measured, never straying from its predecessors. Abby/Ziva PG13
- Out of Israel by monica_doggett .. She hides her heart in stainless steel casing. Ziva G
- Over the Course of Time by Thought .. They were the kind of moments that while being of no great import would create the fondest memories. Abby/Ziva PG
- Paris, Part Deux by barbossas_wench .. Jenny/Ziva
- Chapter 1 .. Jethro has a present for the Madam Director Jenny/Jethro Friendship will be Jenny/Ziva G
- Chapter 2 .. Tony prays Ziva won’t shoot the messenger. Ziva/Tony Friendship, will be Jenny/Ziva G
- Chapter 3 .. A romantic meeting in the City of Lights. Jenny/Ziva PG13
- Chapter 4 .. “I can not believe I am standing here, with you. It is like a dream.” Jenny/Ziva R-NC17
- Chapter 5 .. “I can not believe I am standing here, with you. It is like a dream.” Jenny/Ziva R-NC17
- Safe In His Arms by serenitymeimei .. Post 5x19 "Judgment Day Part 2” and 6x01 "Last Man Standing”. Ziva and Gibbs struggle with the events of 5x19 and find a way to cope together. What happens when Ziva comes back to the US four months later? Gibbs/Ziva NC17
- Secret by Senepa .. The secret's been kept so far. Will it continue to be kept? Abby/Ziva NC17
- Show me the way by Nepeace .. Ziva teaches Abby how to shoot a gun properly...and more? Abby/Ziva PG13
- Stray Moment by Hope .. There was an edge of awareness, of sureness, to the way she held herself and Kate found herself paying even closer attention to her. Kate/Ziva PG13
- Therapy by Hope .. Shopping has always been Kate's favored form of therapy. Kate/Abby PG
- This New Feeling by monica_doggett .. I find myself vulnerable, unsure, and completely baffled by this new occurrence. Ziva/Abby G
- Under the Surface by Thought .. "Yes, Tony, exactly what you're thinking." Abby/Ziva PG13
- Two Hardened Hearts by Moonvoice .. Gibbs unexpectedly drives Ziva home after a punch-up with Iranian intelligence (post Shalom). While at her home, some awkward chemistry flares. Spoilers: Hiatus 1 & 2, Shalom Ziva/Gibbs NC17
- Undercover by barbossas_wench .. Ziva & Jenny reach an understanding…of sorts Jenny/Ziva Sequel to: First Meeting I & II & Nights Rish
- Voir by lucifers_toy .. Voyeur- French, from Old French, one who lies in wait, from voir Abby/Ziva, Tony NC17
- A Woman's Touch by monica_doggett .. It wasn’t the first time she’d been slapped, and it probably wouldn’t be the last, but that didn’t mean it didn’t hurt, or that she was used to it. Ziva/Jen R - NC17
- What Could Have Been by monica_doggett .. "Nothing happened in Cairo." Jenny/Ziva PG
- What Every Woman Needs by monica_doggett .. Ziva has a solution for Abby's problem. Abby, Ziva Spoilers: Post-"Skeletons." PG
- When She's Gone by demoka .. Ziva has made Abby mad, so mad that she has left. Can Ziva win her back? (based on inspiration from David Campbell's song When She's Gone Abby/Ziva M
- Wouldn't you think I'm the girl, The girl who has everything? by femme_slash_fan .. Perhaps Ziva really does have everything she wants... Ziva/Jenny PG13