The Frisked & Conquered Fanfic...
Birds of Prey Stories
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- Adrift by Lena .. Poem.
- A Girl Could Always Dream, and a Cat Had Nine Lives by Wulleente .. A Girl Could Always Dream and a Cat Had Nine Lives. Or, sometimes a wish can come true after all. [Oracle/Catwoman] PG13
- A Lesson in Ambiguity by trancer .. On her 18th birthday, Barbara gets a lesson from Catwoman. Batgirl/Catwoman R
Apologies by A. Magiluna Stormwriter Barbara ruminates in the exactly 100 words. Spoilers for "Feat of Clay" and "Devil's Eyes." B, W PG
- The Beginning by trancer .. When Oracle's life is threatened, Black Canary comes to New Gotham to help Barbara and Helena stop the threat. B/H, B/DL R
- Blink by trancer .. It's all in the eyes. B/H NC17
- The Bloodletting by trancer .. What Helena wants, Helena gets. H/D NC17
- Dirty Girls and Dental Dams by North .. Author's explanation says it all: "There is no plot whatsoever. It also involves explicit sex, naturally, dental dams, dildoes are mentioned, people are tied down, anal sex is involved and there is even dirty talk!" B/H NC17
- Dirty Girls and Dental Dams: The Sordid Sequel by North .. Barbara gets her revenge on Helena... B/H NC17
- Dirty Girls and Dental Dams: The Sordid Sequel, Part 2 by North .. And Helena gets Barbara back...again! B/H NC17
- Doppelganger by Ficmail .. Helena had trusted Dr. Quinzel enough to tell her Everything. Barbara/Helena PG13 to NC17
- Dreams Dark and Light by Susan P. .. Set post-finale. Helena has a rough night -- one that ends far better than she could have hoped. Spoilers for Up through and especially including the final two episodes, "Feat of Clay" and "Devil's Eyes." B/H R - NC17 [for f/f slash, angst, hurt/comfort].
- Early Morning in New Gotham City by cyn# .. Morning dawns for Barbara and Helena. B/H PG
- Falling Down on the Job by Debbie .. Barbara gazed at the woman in her arms, angry beyond words; this life wasn't a joke. Barbara/Helena PG13
Geek Love by A. Magiluna Stormwriter .. A screwed up order wreaks all sorts of havoc.... B/H NC17 [language, situations, and sex/kinkiness content]
- Girls Will Be Girls by meremortal .. Dinah and Gabby get to know each other. D/G R
- Going Home by Ripley .. Helena's thoughts.Spoilers for "Feat of Clay" and "Devil's Eyes." B/H PG
- Here's Where the Story Ends by Sulks .. A possible aftermath to the series finale. Spoilers for "Feat of Clay" and "Devil's Eyes." B/H R [mature themes]
The Heroes Saga by Shatterpath, assisted by the kinkytails .. When some out-of-town strangers show up in New Gotham, things get very interesting for our superheroes... H/B, various OC pairings NC17
- The Hostage Without by Merfilly .. Black Canary/Oracle Comics universe PG
- Human by Freya .. Dinah does some thinking...regarding her guardian. B/D, B/H Spoilers very slightly for Pilot and "Sins of the Mother." PG13
- I Alone Love You by North .. Barbara and Helena finally give in to their feelings. Spoilers for "Feat of Clay" and "Devil's Eyes." B/H NC17
- I Was Only 17 by Mel M/Misty .. A possible aftermath to "Sins of the Mother." Spoilers for "Sins of the Mother." B/? PG
In Plain Sight by A. Magiluna Stormwriter .. Harley obsesses in the exactly 100 words. Spoilers for "Feat of Clay" and "Devil's Eyes." HQ PG13 [for language]
- Jealousy by perpetualblyss .. Helena is jealous of one of Barbara's past relationships. B/H NC17
- Just by Debbie .. Barbara just knows that Helena is different than all the others… Comic-verse/Oracle/Huntress Spoilers: I guess Books 96, 110, and 111 of the Birds of Prey Comic Series PG13
- Keeping Her Warm by BardlyWarrior .. A short, angsty piece dealing with a possible future. Warning: Implied character death B/H, B/D PG13
- Loser Takes It All by meremortal .. Dinah loses a bet... D/G PG
- My Only by Wizard Inc. .. Helena writes a letter to Barbara. B/H PG13
Normal by A. Magiluna Stormwriter .. Helena ponders in the exactly 100 words. Spoilers for "Feat of Clay" and "Devil's Eyes." B, H PG
- Sound Effects by Bardly .. An experiment in fiction formatting. B/? R
- Sound Effects: The Sequel [Regular Version] by North .. Further experimentation in fiction formatting. B/H PG
- Sound Effects: The Sequel [Self Indulgent Version] by North .. Even further experimentation in fiction formatting. B/H PG
- Tagalong by TheNewHope .. It looked like she was gonna end up in a cold shower after all. Dinah, Barbara/Helena G-rated voyeurism.
- Thin Line by Debbie .. Huntress/Oracle, Black Canary/Lady Shiva PG
- Three's Company by meremortal .. Dinah & Gabby teach Helena a lesson she won't soon forget. H/D/G NC17
- Thursdays by euryleia .. A possible aftermath to the finale... Spoilers for "Feat of Clay" and "Devil's Eyes." B/W, B/H PG
- Understand by Jaycee .. A level of understanding is reached between Helena and the people she loves most. H/R, B,/H, implied B/W G
- Understanding by Debbie .. "I don't know why I trust her, I just do. You know how someone's eyes tell you more than you want to know sometimes, well she's got more answers in there than I'll ever have." Catherine/Barbara CSI/Birds of Prey crossover PG13
- Understanding by North .. Sunset brings love to light. B/H PG
- We All Fall Down by South, North's Evil Twin .. Dinah visits Harley Quinn in jail. Spoilers for "Feat of Clay" and "Devil's Eyes." D/HQ NC17
- When Darkness Comes by euryleia .. What do you do when the nightmares come? B/D PG
- Words Not Needed by Debbie .. It wasn’t a relationship built on intense declarations of love, and yet, each woman knew they were loved. Huntress/Oracle Comics universe PG